Sunday, 21 March 2010

The Best Chest And Tricep Exercises

Following on from the best back and bicep exercises I posted a few days ago, again using EMG, here are the top three chest and tricep exercises in terms of mean and peak activity.

Upper Pec

Mean: Mid Pulley Crossover
Band Push Up
JC Band Press

Peak: DB Incline Press
Guillotine Press
JC Band Press

Mid Pec

Mean: DB Bench Press
Floor Press

Peak: Guillotine Press
DB Bench Press

Lower Pec

Mean:Weighted Dip
Blast Strap Push Up
Guillotine Press

Peak: Guillotine Press
Weighted Dip

Medial Triceps

Mean: Rope Extension
Cable Extension
Weighted Dip

Peak: Rope Extension
Cable Extension
Band Extension

The form used for the guillotine press was feet on the bench, no arch, elbows flared out, wide grip, bar lowered to the neck. It's no surprise the guillotine press works much more pec than the bench press.

Looking at the entire pecs, they found much variety in movements. This jives with the old bodybuilder theory that the best workout should hit muscles from a lot of angles with different forms of resistance. We've always known the pecs respond to a good stretch, as shortened ranges of motion rarely build a nice chest.

They have long-suspected that pec isolation movements can rival compound movements in terms of pec activity. This study confirms that suspicion. Powerlifting gurus like Louie Simmons and Dave Tate have always discussed the importance of triceps specialization for a strong bench.

This experiment lends support to their recommendations.

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